A Accelerate co-creation by setting up a multi-actor platform for impact from Social Sciences and Humanities B Biological and Mathematical Basis of Interaction Computing BioSuccInnovate C CFT-Space Comparing the Experiences of People in their 50s and 60s of the Changes after the Fall of Communism Concerted Action EPBD IV Control of metabolic and inflammatory pathways by nuclear receptors E Establishment of a regional agricultural innovation and training and advisory centers in border regions Experimental investigation and modelling of nanoscale solid state reactions with high technological impact F From Biodiversity Data to Decision BID-REX G GLORIA - Comparing the effectiveness and safety of additional low-dose glucocorticoid in treatment strategies for elderly patients with rheumatoid arthritis H Hazai részvétel ösztönzése a CLIMATE-KIC projektekben, valamint a regionális konzorciumok megerősítése Healthy Ageing supported by Internet and the Community I Innovative Radiochemistry to Advance Molecular Imaging J Joint development of research infrastructure to improve cross-border activities in the investigation of neurodegenerative brain diseases and pain L Large-scale grassland restoration: the use of establishment windows and high diversity seeding by the knowledge transfer of regional seed propagation to Hungary Lie groups, differential equations and geometry M MYPLACE - Memory, Youth, Political Legacy And Civic Engagement MYWEB - Measuring Youth Well-Being P Personalized PREvention of Chronic DIseases PREvention of Complications to Improve OUtcome in elderly patients with acute Stroke PURE-Pesticide Use-and risk Reduction in European farming systems with Integrated Pest management Q Quantitative Biology for Fungal Secondary Metabolite Producers S Sustainable prevention of obesity trough integrated strategies T The concerted action supporting transposition and implementation of directive 2002/91/EC of the European Parliament and the Council and its recast 2010/31/EU (CA EPBD III) The MEtabolic Road to DIAstolic Heart Failure Towards the elimination of iodine deficiency and preventable thyroid diseases in Europe Transglutaminase in disease: a novel therapeutic target? V Visualising European Crime Fiction: New Digital Tools and Approaches to the Study of Transnational Popular Culture Z Zöld, komplex innováció organo-minerális talajerő-utánpótló készítmény kifejlesztésére és prototípusban történő előállítására Legutóbb frissítve: 2021. 08. 23. 10:59