Széchenyi Ivett nurse

Renáta Szécsiné Barta practicing anaesthesiological assistant
4032 Debrecen Móricz Zsigmond körút 22
Auguszta building II
Ibolya Székelyhidi anaesthesiology assistant
+36 52 511 777 / 1042
4031 Debrecen, Bartók Béla út 2-26.
Emergency and Diagnostics Block, floor 3, 3009 (break room for anaesthesiology assistants surgery)
Széllné dr. Irén Erdei specialist

+36 52 411 600 / 55429
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Dermatology Clinic, floor 2, 6 (Doctor’s room)
+36 52 255 736 / 56736
Renáta Vivien Szilágyiné Ónodi healthcare assistant
+36 52 511 777 / 1041
4031 Debrecen, Bartók Béla út 2-26.
Emergency and Diagnostics Block, floor 3, 3008 (break room for anaesthesiology assistants, traumatology)
István Szilágyi nurse

4032 Debrecen, Móricz Zsigmond körút 22.
Auguszta building II
dr. László Szilágyi anaesthesiology-intensive therapy specialist
+36 52 511 777 / 1625, 1641, 8274
4031 Debrecen, Bartók Béla út 2-26.
Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic (KGYC)
Lili Szilágyi general assistant
+36 52 511 777 / 1646
4031 Debrecen Bartók Béla út 2-26
Outpatient Care Block, ground floor, 20 (Blood storage room
György Józsefné Szilvási adult anaesthesiology and intensive nurse
+36 52 511 777 / 1041
4031 Debrecen, Bartók Béla út 2-26.
Emergency and Diagnostics Block, floor 3, 3008 (break room for anaesthesiology assistants, traumatology)
dr. Gabriella Szűcs specialist
+36 52 411 600 / 55709
4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei körút 98
Department of Orthopaedics, floor 1 (medical room)
Veronika Szücs general assistant

+36 52 511 777 / 1646
4031 Debrecen, Bartók Béla út 2-26.
Outpatient Care Block, ground floor, 22 (Blood storage room)
Boglárka Szűcs nurse

dr. Gergely Takács specialist

+36 52 411 600 / 54279
4032 Debrecen, Móricz Zsigmond körút 22.
Auguszta building I, ground floor, C005 (Doctor’s room)
dr Béla Tibor Tankó specialist

+36 52 411 600 / 54296
4032 Debrecen, Móricz Zsigmond körút 22.
Auguszta building II, ground floor, C006 (Doctor’s room)
Szilvia Tassi graduate nurse
+36 52 511 777 / 1042
4031 Debrecen, Bartók Béla út 2-26.
Emergency and Diagnostics Block, floor 3, 3009 (break room for anaesthesiology assistants surgery)