Gábor Kiss managing expert (commissioned head of department)
ETK Administration Department, head of department
+36 42 404 411 / 78103
4400 Nyíregyháza, Sóstói út 2-4.
Faculty of Health, Building “D” (Nyíregyházi képzési helyszín)
+36 42 408 656
Nóra Bereczki economic administrator
+36 52 512 765 / 77160
4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
School of Public Health building, ground floor (reception)
+36 52 417 267
Bélteky András managing expert
Sándorné Garai technical service provider (cleaning)
4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
School of Public Health building, basement
Lászlóné Kaplanyi cleaning
+36 52 512 765 / 77134
4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
Educational Centre of Social and Health Science building, floor 1, 307 (Dressing rooms)
Mariann Klepácsné Ujteleki administrator
+36 42 404 411 / 78101
4400 Nyíregyháza, Sóstói út 4.
Faculty of Health, Building “D”
+36 42 408 656
Katalin Máthé managing expert
Andrea Páll managing expert
+36 42 404 411 / 78140
4400 Nyíregyháza Sóstói út 2
Faculty of Health, Building “D”, elevated ground floor, 009
+36 42 408 656
Noémi Serley managing expert
+36 52 512 765 / 77413
4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
School of Public Health building, ground floor, 17
Tímea Ágnes Tóthné Gergely administrator
Ibolya Varga administrator
+36 42 404 411 / 78210
4400 Nyíregyháza Sóstói út 2
Faculty of Health, Building “D”, elevated ground floor, 009
+36 42 408 656
Zsoltné Varga managing expert
Tiborné Virág administrator
+36 42 404 411 / 78138
4400 Nyíregyháza, Sóstói út 2-4.
Faculty of Health, Building “D”
+36 42 408 656