dr. Baloghné dr. Zsuzsanna Bereczky associate professor
Division of Clinical Laboratory Science, head of department
+36 52 411 717 / 56670
4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei körút 98
Theoretical Building, floor 8, 802
Dr. Zsuzsa Bagoly associate professor
Dr. Gábor Balogh research fellow
+36 52 411 717 / 54790
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Theoretical Building, floor 9, 901
+36 52 340 011 / 56844
Erzsébet Bertók administrator

+36 52 411 717 / 54389
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Theoretical Building, floor 9, 905
+36 52 340 011 / 56844
Dóra Ilona Bomberák PhD student

+36 52 512 900 / 54386, 56267
4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei körút 98
Theoretical Building, floor 9, 909 (909)
Beáta Csűry-Bagaméry managing expert

Zsolt Barnabás Éles assistant research fellow
Dr. Réka Gindele assistant lecturer

dr. Éva Katona associate professor
Réka Kissné Bogáti assistant research fellow (PhD student)
Linda Lóczi PhD candidate

Prof. Dr. László Muszbek professor emeritus
+36 52 411 717 / 54944, 55990
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Theoretical Building, floor 8, 807
+36 52 340 011 / 56844
dr. Krisztina Pénzes-Daku lecturer
Magdolna Vargáné Cseke associate

4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Theoretical Building, floor 8, 814
+36 52 340 011 / 56844
Dr. Edith Alexandra Uj PhD student