Dr. Péter Sólyom associate professor
Department of Constitutional Law, head of department
+36 52 512 700 / 77453
4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
Faculty of Law building
+36 52 446 919
Kisné Dr. Flóra Valéria Fazekas lecturer
+36 52 512 700 / 77453
4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
Faculty of Law building, floor 2, 216
+36 52 446 919
Dr. Gábor Attila Tóth professor
+36 52 512 700 / 77453
4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
Faculty of Law building, floor 2, 217
+36 52 446 919