Dr. Anita Spisákné Balázs lecturer
dr. Katalin Sterczel assistant lecturer

4028 Debrecen Kassai út 26
School of Public Health building
Dr. Flóra Mária Szabóné Petróczki lecturer
4028 Debrecen Kassai út 26
School of Public Health building, loft, 31
Dr. Attila Péter Szabó college associate professor
Szolnok Campus of the University of Debrecen, commissioned director
5000 Szolnok Tiszaligeti sétány 14
Main Building of Szolnok Campus, floor 1, 154 ( )
Anita Szegedi managing expert

Enikő Szegedi master instructor
Dr. Róbert Ferenc Széll assistant lecturer

Dr. Mária Takács lecturer

+36 56 510 300 / 5560
5000 Szolnok Tiszaligeti sétány 14
Main Building of Szolnok Campus, földszint, 5
dr. Ágnes Tóth lecturer

Dr. Emese Tóth lecturer

+36 56 510 300 / 5567
5000 Szolnok Tiszaligeti sétány 14
Main Building of Szolnok Campus, ground floor, 42
Vargáné Dr. Eszter Faludi assistant lecturer