Enikő Kiss-Tóth nurse (advanced)
+36 52 511 777 / 1616, 1835
4031 Debrecen Bartók Béla út 2-26
Locomotor and Rehabilitation Building, floor 2, 2010
Edit Törösné Sipos medical clerk
4031 Debrecen Bartók Béla út 2-26
Locomotor and Rehabilitation Building, ground floor, 043 (Traumatology, follow-up treatment room)
Barbara Vassné Zoványi nurse (advanced)

+36 52 511 777 / 1835, 1616
4031 Debrecen Bartók Béla út 2-26
Outpatient Care Block, floor 2, 46 (brown)
+36 52 511 729
Panna Veres nurse
+36 52 511 777 / 1835, 1616
4031 Debrecen Bartók Béla út 2-26
Locomotor and Rehabilitation Building, floor 2