Emese Kulcsár psychology specialist
+36 52 411 600 / 56907
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Pulmonology and Psychiatry Building, ground floor, FP 072 (Psychologist’s room)
+36 52 255 240 / 56440
Laura Éva Lekli psychologist
Péter Lóránt clinical psychologist
4024 Debrecen, Varga utca 1.
Outpatient Care Service of Paediatric Psychiatry, floor 1, 3
Krisztina Lukácsné Dávid clinical psychologist
+36 52 511 777 / 1894, 1938
4031 Debrecen, Bartók Béla út 2-26.
Adult Psychiatry building, ground floor, 34
Márton Lukács clinical and mental hygiene adult psychologist
+36 52 511 777 / 1938
4031 Debrecen, Bartók Béla út 2-26.
Adult Psychiatry building, ground floor, 0034 ( )
Judit Magyari clinical and mental hygiene adult psychologist
+36 52 411 600 / 56511
4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei körút 98
Centre of Oncoradiology, ground floor, J20 (old building)
+36 52 255 585 / 56581
Dr. Réka Majer psychologist
+36 52 411 600 / 56567, 56324
4032 Debrecen Móricz Zsigmond körút 22
Auguszta building II, floor 3, 311 (Department of Neurology-Medical study room)
Márta Mágocs-Bahurné Erdei clinical psychologist
Zsanett Usztics psychology specialist
+36 52 411 600 / 56496
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Pulmonology and Psychiatry Building, mezzanine (EP059)
Adrienn Moldován-Földi clinical psychologist
4031 Debrecen Bartók Béla út 2-26
Locomotor and Rehabilitation Building, ground floor, 0076 (Department of Movement Therapy, Brown sector)
Kornélia Zsófia Molnárné Kiss clinical psychologist
+36 52 430 945 / 112
4024 Debrecen, Varga utca 1.
Adult Psychiatric Care Facility 1, ground floor, 16 (Outpatient Care Service of Adult Psychiatry)
Tamás Mosolygó clinical psychologist
Brigitta Munkácsi psychology specialist
Prof. Dr. Beáta Erika Nagy psychology specialist (clinical professional psychologist, psychotherapist)
Judit Nagy clinical psychologist
+36 52 511 889 / 1275
4031 Debrecen Bartók Béla út 3
Pediatric Psychiatry building II, ground floor, 8