Bella Gellén-Diós teacher
+36 52 518 671 / 73899
4029 Debrecen Csengő utca 4
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, building “H” (Csengő utca), ground floor, H15 (Teachers' room)
Krisztina Gergelyné Király teacher

+36 52 512 700 / 73949
4026 Debrecen, Arany János tér 1.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Arany János tér building, floor 1, 131 (Teachers’ room)
+36 52 417 830
Eszter Gombos teacher (German)

+36 52 518 670 / 73821
4029 Debrecen, Csengő utca 4.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, building “D” (Csengő utca), floor 2, D 214 (Teachers’ room)
Katalin Gönczi teacher
+36 52 512 700 / 73948
4026 Debrecen, Arany János tér 1.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Arany János tér building, floor 2, 231 (Teachers’ room)
+36 52 417 830
Zsuzsanna Grünvald teacher
+36 52 518 670 / 73810, 73816
4029 Debrecen Csengő utca 4
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, building “D” (Csengő utca), ground floor, D 17 (Teachers' room)
Edit Gyönyörűné Csarnai laboratory technician

+36 52 518 670 / 73894, 73828
4029 Debrecen, Csengő utca 4.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, building “D” (Csengő utca), ground floor, D 46 (Teachers’ room)
Ágnes Szűcs daytime educator
4026 Debrecen Arany János tér 1
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School of the University of Debrecen, Arany János tér site, ( )
+36 52 456 358
Dóra Hajdúné Sáfrán teaching assistant

+36 52 518 616 / 73914
4024 Debrecen Kossuth utca 33
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Kossuth utca building, floor 1, 128 (teachers’ room)
Anikó Hamarné Kenéz teacher
+36 52 512 700 / 73939
4026 Debrecen, Arany János tér 1.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Arany János tér building, North first floor (Teachers’ room)
+36 52 417 830
Hammersberg-Ganczstuckhné Dr. Judit Rácz teacher (teacher (mathematics-physics))
+36 52 512 900 / 73917
4024 Debrecen, Kossuth utca 33.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Kossuth utca building, floor 4, 416 (Storage room for physics equipment)
+36 52 456 358 / 11770
Csaba Harcsa teacher
+36 52 512 700 / 73937
4026 Debrecen, Arany János tér 1.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Arany János tér building, ground floor, 016 (Teachers’ room)
+36 52 417 830
László Harman teacher
+36 52 512 900 / 73914
4024 Debrecen, Kossuth utca 33.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Kossuth utca building, floor 1, 128 (Teachers’ room)
+36 52 456 358 / 11770
Tibor László Háda tanár(biológia-földrajz)

+36 52 512 900 / 73830, 73898
4029 Debrecen Csengő utca 4
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, building “D” (Csengő utca), floor 1, D 123 (Teachers’ room)
Andrea Hágen teacher

+36 52 518 616 / 73914
4024 Debrecen Kossuth utca 33
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Kossuth utca building, floor 1, 128 (teachers' room)
Barbara Lilla Hegedüs teaching assistant

+36 52 512 700 / 73937
4026 Debrecen Arany János tér 1
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Arany János tér building, ground floor, 016 (teachers' room)