The Clinic of Medical Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine of the University of Debrecen, Clinical Centre (shortly Rehabilitation Clinic) was established in 2006, initially as a department and faculty, and since 2018 it has been operating as a clinic. The institution underwent a fundamental transformation during the university integration process, as a result of which it moved from the Nagyerdei Campus to the Kenézy Gyula Campus, where a unified 110-bed inpatient and 18-bed daycare Rehabilitation Clinic was established in 2021. To meet the changing needs, it was possible to adjust the bed ratio of each profile. Our beds, which are accredited for specialist training, are currently used for the rehabilitation of patients with brain injury and trauma at the highest level of progression, and we also provide high-quality care for patients with chronic neurological, limb amputation, musculoskeletal and orthopaedic surgery in our general ward. In addition to inpatient care, we provide non-specialist (physiotherapy) services on two sites (Bethlen Street and Bartók Béla Road).
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Last update:
2024. 11. 14. 14:27