The Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Clinic of University of Debrecen Clinical Centre is a leading sanatory, educational and scientific center of psychiatry. Our professional goal is pluralistic: to follow both the results of biological psychiatry and the traditions of the psychotherapeutic approach. According to this, patient care at our Clinic is multifaceted: according to the clinical condition of our patients, acute, rehabilitative and psychotherapeutic treatment of psychoses, anxiety, depression, addictive and gerontopsychiatric pathologies is carried out. We provide progressive care to the population within the care area of the Clinical Center, and in the spirit of free choice of doctor, to any psychiatric inpatient from the region. We also operate an alternative form of care, in the form of a day hospital for chronic patients. More than twelve thousand patients visit our outpatient clinics annually. With an increasing number of specialized outpatient clinics, we thrive to raise the professional level of treatment of sleep disorders, panic disorder, alcohol addiction, as well as of gerontopsychiatric and rehabilitation-related problems. With a consultation psychiatric service, we assist the inpatient care departments of the DE KK Nagyerdei Campus and the Kenézy Gyula Campus.
The work in our clinic is aligned with the mission of the University of Debrecen, by providing high-level patient care and assurement of international standards of education, and also enhances its prestige by scientific activities.