The staff of the department is involved in the anesthesiology and intensive care of all surgery departments at the University of Debrecen. There are close to one hundred-fifty specialists and trainee specialists working at the nearly 70 anesthesiology units of the Clinical Center at the university, providing pain relief and general anesthesia for 40,000 surgical procedures on average annually. In terms of intensive care, our colleagues are employed in all surgery-related intensive care units.
During the last decades, the Clinical Center of the University of Debrecen Teaching Hospital has been dedicated to providing appropriate conditions for safe anesthesiology and intensive care. In line with this, modern instrumentation is available at all of our units, meeting the requirements of our time. As a result instrumentation of departments at the Clinical Center is competitive internationally as well. With the continuous training and improvement of our staff, we aim to guarantee a high standard of work and the introduction of new and modern treatments that improve the safety of our patients.
The prerequisite for safe anesthesia for surgery is to have the patients arrive at the operation in the most optimal condition and after the best pre-operative preparation. Our anesthesia outpatient departments are operated exactly with this purpose in mind. At these units the health condition of a patient is assessed based on the recommendations of an experienced specialist and the patients are prepared for surgery accordingly.
Besides providing patient care, our department is also responsible for the training and further education of specialists in the region, coordinating the activities of the five counties in North-Eastern Hungary in this field. With regular regional training programs, courses, and an annual conference (Anesthesiology Days in Debrecen) we strive to contribute to the professional development of our staff.
Similarly to all other university centers, it is the duty of the Department of Anesthesiology as well to contribute to the improvement of the profession by means of quality research as well. For this purpose the department runs independent PhD programs. Scholarly work at the department is coordinated by one Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and 24 senior researchers holding a PhD. Besides the coordination of research carried out by the department staff, it is our mission to involve colleagues working in the region in our research projects.