Department of Neurology

The Department of Neurology at the Clinical Center of the University of Debrecen primarily provides neurological care for the population of Debrecen and Hajdu-Bihar county (approximately 550 000 people), but also receives patients requiring special care from the region of North-East Hungary (approximately 2 million people). The Neurological Clinic operates at two locations: the Nagyerdei Campus and the Kenézy Gyula Campus. There are 66 beds on the Nagyerdei Campus and 44 beds on the Kenézy Gyula Campus to provide neurological inpatient care. Out of a total of 110 beds, 63 beds are used for general neurological patients, 35 beds for stroke patients, and 12 beds for patients requiring intensive monitoring. The emergency treatment of stroke patients should be highlighted, since the treatment of stroke caused by the blockage of blood vessels with thrombolysis or mechanical blood clot removal is only possible within a narrow time-window.

Medical care for our outpatients is provided at our general neurology outpatient clinics and at our specialized consultations, including

  • sleep disorder specialist order,
  • cerebrovascular - stroke (cerebral vascular diseases) specialist order,
  • epilepsy (disease occurring due to pathological electrical activity of the brain) specialist order,
  • headache specialist order,
  • neuro-immunological (borderline syndromes of immunological and neurological diseases) specialty order,
  • neuromuscular (diseases of the nerves and muscles) specialist order,
  • Parkinson's and extrapyramidal specialist order,
  • physiotherapy,
  • speech therapy.

In the framework of ambulatory neurological patient care, our department also provides complex instrumental tests including

  • ultrasound examination of the brain supplying blood vessels (Doppler Laboratory),
  • instrumental sleep examination (Sleep Laboratory),
  • functional examination of nerves and muscles, during which the conduction properties of the nerves and the electrical activity of the muscles are examined (ENG-EMG Laboratory),
  • evoked response test (after applying a sensory stimulus, the latency and amplitude of the electrical impulses reaching the brain sensory center are examined) (Evoked Potential Laboratory),
  • EEG examination, which examines the electrical activity of the brain (EEG Laboratory).

Physicians and other health care professionals of the Department of Neurology play a significant role in providing patient care services to both inpatients and outpatients of the department.

t of Neurology play a significant role in providing patient care services to both inpatients and outpatients of the department.


Last update: 2024. 11. 08. 09:02