Department of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Cardiology

The staff, including both physicians and other healthcare professionals, of the Department of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Cardiology at the Clinical Center of the University of Debrecen Teaching Hospital participate in screening programs every year.

These programs include the “Day of Our Heart” event on the last Sunday of every September in Debrecen, with which we join other cardiology screening programs taking place simultaneously in the country: we provide blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and ECG screening, as well as specialist consultation.

Our staff is also involved in the Hajsú-Bihar County programs of the national screening program called Hungary’s comprehensive screening program, 2010-2020 organized by the Chamber of Hungarian Healthcare Professionals (e.g. TEVA Day, screening for police officers, etc.).

We also provide annual “manager screening” for example for the management of TEVA, EON, and HUNÉP.

Our staff also work as volunteers for example in the Debrecen Heart Association, as members of the board of trustees of the Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Cardiovascular Patients (Szív és Érbetegek Rehabilitációjáért Alapítvány), the Foundation for the Development of Cardiac Catheterization (Szívkatéterezés Fejlesztéséért Alapítvány), and as helpers in the Tree of Life Volunteer Center (Életfa Önkéntes Centrum).

Our healthcare professionals provide health education lectures for students of the Dienes László Secondary Grammar School and Vocational School for Health Workers.

We are also happy to participate in any health promoting and patient information forum as presenters if invited.

Last update: 2021. 08. 18. 10:07