Academic head of project management: Kónya József
- Title of project: Kórházi veszélyes hulladékok helyszíni ártalmatlanítása intenzív fertőtlenítő hatású ózonnal
- Type of grant: GOP-1.1.1-11
- Description: Any microbiologically hazardous waste can be disposed (i.e. made incapable of infection) with the inactivity, killing or disruption of possibly polluting dangerous microbes. The intensive antimicrobial effect of ozone has been known for a long time, the studies carried out in connection with this and the publications discussing the results are widely available. The hazardous waste disposal technology to be developed is based on the experience and research findings gained in other areas, and is created with the aim of extending the positive characteristics of ozone treatment of materials to the disposal of microbiologically hazardous waste in healthcare.
- The duration of the project: July 1, 2013 – May 31, 2015
- Actual total costs: 52.202.776 (HUF)
- Type of research: Applied
- Consortium details:
- Lead applicant: IC-Produkt Zrt.
- Consortium partner:
- University of Debrecen
Last update:
2021. 08. 16. 10:51