Academic head of project management: László Zsombik
- Title of project: Regionális agrár innovációs, képzési és szaktanácsadási központok létrehozása a határ menti régiókban
- Type of grant: HUSK/1101
- Description: The objective of the project is to improve the infrastructure for research and knowledge transfer with the renovation and remodeling of existing capacities. The objective is to establish such an advisory center, which supports Hungarian and Slovak farmers in the development of production processes and the introduction of new technologies.
- The duration of the project: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2015
- Actual total cost: 579.294 (EUR)
- Type of research: Applied
- Consortium details:
- Lead applicant: University of Debrecen
- Consortium partner: Centrum vyskumu rastlinnej vyroby Piestany
Last update:
2021. 08. 16. 11:04