Academic head of project management: Miklós Antal
- Title of project: A kutatási infrastruktúra közös fejlesztése a határon átnyúló tevékenységek javítása érdekében a neurodegeneratív agyi betegségek és a fájdalom vizsgálatában
- Type of grant: HURO/1101
- Description: With the funding provided by the project we aim to improve the infrastructure needed to carry out research in neuroscience. The newly acquired devices will have a central role in conducting high quality and internationally competitive research in the future as well in the field of basic research in neuroscience, especially with regard to the investigation of neural micro networks responsible for the processing of pain. The successful implementation of the program will significantly increase our scientific knowledge, which could contribute to the development of new analgesic therapeutic procedures. As a result, the project can contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of many people on the long run. The implementation of the project will facilitate the establishment of social, economic, and working relations between researchers and people living on the two sides of the border. The findings of the project will be disseminated widely both among scholars and non-professionals.
- The duration of the project: January 1, 2013 – August 31, 2015
- Actual total cost: 531.586 (EUR)
- Type of research: Basic
- Consortium details:
- Lead applicant: University of Debrecen
- Consortium partner: University of Oradea
Last update:
2021. 08. 16. 11:02