Academic head of project management: Páles Zsolt
- Title of project: Függvényegyenletek és egyenlőtlenségek
- Type of grant: OTKA-K
- Description: There is only a few field of mathematics which is so interdisciplinary as the theory of functional equations. This theory has its roots in the last centuries. Motivated by these preliminaries, the basic problems of the proposed research are from the following subfields of functional equations and inequalities:
- Solution methods, general and regular solutions of functional equations, regularity theory of functional equations;
- Algorithmic methods, computer assisted methods for solving functional equations;
- Applications of functional equations to economy, information theory, probability theory;
- Functional equations over groups and hypergroups, spectral analysis and synthesis;
- Stability theory of functional equations;
- Quasi-arithmetic means and their generalizations, comparison and homogeneity problem, inequalities, characterization of means, invariance equations;
- Generalizations of convexity and their characterizations, stability of convexity and monotonicity, separation theory, sandwich theorems;
- Convex and nonsmooth analysis and applications;
- Riemann geometric vector fields.
- The duration of the project: January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2018
- Actual total costs: 64.636.000 (HUF)
- Type of research: Basic
Last update:
2021. 08. 16. 10:58