The foundation of creative urban and regional development building on the knowledge economy and using the educational and scholarly capacities of the University of Debrecen to extend higher education services to the Kisvárda region

Academic head of project management: Pető Károly

  • Title of project: Tudásgazdaságra építő, kreatív város-, és térségfejlesztés megalapozása a Debreceni Egyetem képzési és tudományos kapacitására építve felsőoktatási szolgáltatások kiterjesztése Kisvárda térségére
  • Type of grant: TÁMOP-4.2.1/D-15/1/KONV
  • Description: The objective of the project is to develop the knowledge economy of Kisvárda and its region building on the educational and research portfolio of the University of Debrecen; to strengthen educational and research capacities based on the needs and characteristics of the local economy; to implement innovative research topics resulting in the extension of contacts between the economy and the academic world, investments, and workplaces; to prepare and pilot a new type of higher education service.
  • The duration of the project: April 1, 2015 – October 31, 2015
  • Actual total costs: 257.173.000 (HUF)
  • Type of research: Basic
  • Consortium details:
    • Lead applicant: University of Debrecen
    • Consortium partner:


Last update: 2021. 08. 16. 10:48