Academic head of project management: Pető Károly
- Title of project: Tudásgazdaságra építő, kreatív város-, és térségfejlesztés megalapozása a Debreceni Egyetem képzési és tudományos kapacitására építve felsőoktatási szolgáltatások kiterjesztése Kisvárda térségére
- Type of grant: TÁMOP-4.2.1/D-15/1/KONV
- Description: The objective of the project is to develop the knowledge economy of Kisvárda and its region building on the educational and research portfolio of the University of Debrecen; to strengthen educational and research capacities based on the needs and characteristics of the local economy; to implement innovative research topics resulting in the extension of contacts between the economy and the academic world, investments, and workplaces; to prepare and pilot a new type of higher education service.
- The duration of the project: April 1, 2015 – October 31, 2015
- Actual total costs: 257.173.000 (HUF)
- Type of research: Basic
- Consortium details:
- Lead applicant: University of Debrecen
- Consortium partner:
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2021. 08. 16. 10:48