Academic head of project management: Husi Géza
- Title of project: Innovatív napkövetővel ellátott napenergia hasznosító rendszer kifejlesztése lapostetős épületekre
- Type of grant: GOP-1.1.1-11
- Description: The objective of the project is to develop an innovative solar system with solar tracking specifically for flat roofs so as to provide an energy efficient solution for residential and public buildings. Parts of the planned system: 1. Electricity generating solar panel 2. Thermal energy generating solar panel 3. Solar tracking system increasing the efficiency of solar energy utilization by 50-65% 4. Passive and adsorption unit for cooling 5. Block energy storage tanks for the storage of electricity generated
- The duration of the project: November 15, 2013 – November 14, 2015
- Actual total costs: 105.579.308 (HUF)
- Type of research: Experimental
- Consortium details:
- Lead applicant: Aqua-Maxima Kereskedőház Kft.
- Consortium partner:
- Elinor Mérnökiroda Kft.
- University of Debrecen
Last update:
2021. 07. 28. 11:21