Academic head of project management: Sztrik János
- Title of project: Jövő Internet kutatások az elmélettől az alkalmazásig
- Type of grant: TÁMOP-4.2.2.C-11/1/KONV
- Description: The objective of the project is to meet the challenges posed by the Internet, to conduct investigations to learn more about basic theoretical issues, network modelling, the reconsideration of network architecture, content management, the Internet of Things, the creation of an intelligent application platform, and to develop a training program and establish a research coordination center.
- The duration of the project: October 1, 2012 – March 31, 2015
- Actual grant: 1.057.769.000 (HUF)
- Type of research: Basic
- Consortium details:
- Lead applicant: University of Debrecen
- Consortium partner:
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute for Nuclear Research
- National Information Infrastructure Development Institute
Last update:
2021. 08. 18. 10:50