Academic head of project management: Panyi György
- Title of project: Molekuláris onkológia: Jelátviteli folyamatok célpontjainak azonosítása daganatterápiás eljárások kifejlesztésére
- Type of grant: TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV
- Description: In the developed world, including Hungary, death caused by cancer is very high and thus these diseases represent a principal public health concern. There is a huge demand worldwide for novel therapeutic approaches in the treatment of cancer. In light of these facts, the goal of the project is to identify new cancer therapy targets and to create the necessary research service capacity.
- The duration of the project: October 1, 2012 – January 31, 2015
- Actual total costs: 845.480.721 (HUF)
- Type of research: Basic
- Consortium details:
- Lead applicant: University of Debrecen
- Consortium partner: HAS Szeged Biological Research Center
Last update:
2021. 08. 18. 10:50